iOS 18

ConnectyouriPhonetoyourcomputerusingaLightningcable.OpeniTunesonyourcomputer.SelectyouriPhonefromthelistofdevicesin ...,Finally,oniPhone,gotoSettings>Sounds&Haptics>Ringtoneandchooseyourcustomringtone.[EditedbyModerator].Showmore ...,iMazingletsy...。參考影片的文章的如下:


How to set custom ringtone on iPhone

Connect your iPhone to your computer using a Lightning cable. Open iTunes on your computer. Select your iPhone from the list of devices in ...

Add a custom Ringtone to your phone

Finally, on iPhone, go to Settings > Sounds & Haptics > Ringtone and choose your custom ringtone. [Edited by Moderator]. Show more ...

Add ringtones to iPhone

iMazing lets you both import and export ringtones to and from your iPhone, and offers this feature in the free version too.

How to Transfer Ringtones to iPhone [2025]

The most effective and easiest way to transfer ringtones from one iPhone to another is by using Wondershare MobileTrans. It is an easy-to-use tool that ...

How to set custom ringtones on iPhones

Navigate to the Tones section under On My Device in the left sidebar and drop the . m4r ringtone file. iTunes will sync the ringtone to your phone and it will immediately appear under the Tones section. Now, on your iPhone, go to Settings > Sounds &

How to Add Custom Ringtones to Your iPhone from a Windows PC

Click the device icon at the top of the iTunes app. Then, press the Sync button at the bottom of the iTunes app to transfer the ringtone file ...

How to create a custom ringtone for your iPhone

How to set a custom ringtone to play for a iPhone contact · Open the Contacts app. · Find and open the contact you want to add the ringtone to.

Putting a custom ring tone on an iPhone - how? : rapplehelp

Go inside music app on mac and right click on playing audio and select add to device and then select your iphone.

How to Add Ringtones to an iPhone (3 Easy Methods)

Access the ringtone on your iPhone by going to “Settings,” then “Sounds and Haptics.” Tap the ringtone to add it to your phone.

How to Create Custom Ringtones on iPhone

Article on Cult of Mac: More Apple news: If you don't have ...


ConnectyouriPhonetoyourcomputerusingaLightningcable.OpeniTunesonyourcomputer.SelectyouriPhonefromthelistofdevicesin ...,Finally,oniPhone,gotoSettings>Sounds&Haptics>Ringtoneandchooseyourcustomringtone.[EditedbyModerator].Showmore ...,iMazingletsyoubothimportandexportringtonestoandfromyouriPhone,andoffersthisfeatureinthefreeversiontoo.,Themosteffectiveandeasiestwaytotransferringtonesf...
